Live Your
Dream Life In
The Country
It’s How To Quit The City, Move To The Country On Your Terms,
Without Making The Costly Mistakes Thousands Of People Do!
The Five Areas Needed To Leave The City, And Move To The Country EASILY
Family & Friends
Wealth & Work
Location, Location, Location
Preparing For Everything
Practical Resourcefulness

In 2020 we packed up everything after 3 years of property searching, we left the city, and moved to the country.
We got a lot right AND we got a lot wrong!
Since then we have met 10’s of families who have done the same as us, and tracked what they did & did not do to get it right in moving to the country.

Spending More Time On This Webpage Will Ensure Your Dream Of Living In The Country Will Become REAL Very Quickly
Family & Friends Make Or Break Your Move!
The #1 Factor In Your Move Is The People Who Come With You And The People You Leave Behind!
What conversations do you need to have and when, what about home schooling, will the kids love it, what about our parents, will we fit in, will we be lonely, how do we get our family & friends support? These are just some of the questions we will answer for you

Wealth & Work!
Leave The City, Moving To The Country AND Then Being Able To Afford To Stay There!
Do you, borrow or save? Negotiate remote working, Resign, set up your own business? Is the country cheaper or more expensive? Is growing your own a real cash saving? What about retirement & medical insurance etc? What does it cost to renovate your new property?
This list is endless and critical to you making your move happen. We will help you answer every relevant question.

Location, Location, Location
Finding THE Place That Is Right For You AND Will Be For Decades Is Harder Than You Would Think!
Cost, Value For Money,Water, Transport, Internet, Security, Laws, Regulations, Schools, Hospitals, Stores, Infrastructure, Property Type, Property Size, Airports, Roads, Electricity, Solar, Gas, Sewage, Local Population, Future Trends, Restaurants & Bars…..
This list is endless and critical to you making your move happen. We will help you answer every relevant question.

Prepared For Everything
No Matter How Prepared You Are… YOU ARE NOT! Everyone We Know Missed 100’s Of Critical Things.
,The further you get from the city, the less available things you are used to are. Obvious right!
But when you dog gets bitten by a snake, your kid breaks an arm, the mains water pipe explodes, the roof collapses, your vehicle breaks down, you loose phone signal and what you need is 30, 60, 120 minutes or more away.
We will equip you to practically deal with these, and the 100’s of other weird & wonderful things you will experience?

Practical Resourcefulness
Suddenly you don’t have an emergency plumber or electrician, the ER is 2hrs away and the cell phone tower got hit by lightening!
No matter how much highly quality resources you have, they mean NOTHING without the practical ability to use them effectively. Here practical proven experience counts for everything!
But when you dog gets bitten by a snake, your kid breaks an arm, the mains water pipe explodes, the roof collapses, your vehicle breaks down, you loose phone signal and what you need is 30, 60, 120 minutes or more away.
We mentor you to up your practical resourcefulness dramatically. Perfectly aligned to your move to the country.

Leaving the city and moving to the country has just taken a MASSIVE step forwards.
We moved left from the city and moved to the country a few in 2020, and it has been the very best thing we have ever done!
It will be for you to.
However, you need to engineer it to ensure that your happy life in the country is not reliant on luck.
Every week we hear from families who have (or have tried to) moved to the country and they were far less lucky than us.
In fact the number of families who have moved back to the city because they were not deeply prepared for their move is phenomenal.
The crazy thing is that you do not need luck to make your move from the city to the country a successful one.
You can make it a seamless, painless, 100% enjoyable experience that brings joy & immense happiness.
In all of this the preparation you do before you give the keys to your city home to someone else and leave for the country is the only key thing that will ensure your success.
Happy success happens with the right thought, action and learning around the moving to the county 5 key focus areas.
They will ensure you have sundowners looking at the view, gardens bursting with produce, happy laughs from your loved ones and much much more. It is way closer than you would imagine.
This Is Your Time
It is our mission to support as many people as possible to leave the city and move to the country.
For just $1 we make sure that your move happens and you avoid all of the problems that we and others have faced.
Friends of ours suddenly found out that the new permit for drilling a well for water was $4200, which they hadn’t budget and this was after their gearbox had packed in, roof had fallen in, family had stopped talking to them and they had found out that home schooling did not work for them or their kids. (All preventable for the right preparation and just $1 a day)
You may be thinking this won’t happen to me. With the right preparation you are right. However you don’t know what you don’t know, and unless you have personally done this before, then there is a HUGE amount you don’t yet know!
We Do
In our $1 a day online community we give you,
5 weekly preparation activities
1 weekly live training session
1 weekly live Q&A
24/7 access to the community for support
Members only events
Peace of mind that your move to the country will be happy & successful
In fact everything you need to prepare fully to happily leave the city & move to the country.
We can’t wait to see you in the country with a massive smiley face
Rob & Kerry
Sat On The Fence, Want To Know More Or Want Personalised Support?
Book A Quick Call With Rob